While watching Halloween night
in a Hollywood movie today with my friends, I saw
people come up with cheetah print dress, leopard print ears and tail, and a
cheetah print clutch. Overall the spots look the same.
I heard someone say, what’s the
difference between a cheetah and a leopard?
Somebody promptly said 'Cheetah
is a Hindi word for Leopard.'
I stormed into him, what ?????
To prevent this Family or Halloween faux pas, I thought to draw the difference.
The Dilemma:
Is Cheetah a Hindi word for Leopard? You want to be a cheetah for Halloween,
you do not want to be confused for a leopard.
The Quick Trick: It’s all in the spots. Cheetahs have
simple black spots, while leopards have a more complex pattern.
The Explanation: Both cats can be found across Africa, the
Arabian Peninsula and southern Asia, and when
encountered, both really just look like a scary mass of spots and teeth. When
viewed from a safe vantage point, though, there are a number of physical and
behavioral characteristics that set them apart.
Cheetah |
Cheetahs have solid black round/oval spots and black tear lines that run
from the corner of their eyes down the sides of their nose to their mouth (the
lines keep sunlight out of the cheetahs’ eyes while hunting). They’re also
lankier than rest of the big cats and have smaller jaws and longer tails. They
hunt during the day and rely on bursts of speed (up to 75mph over short distances).
When walking and running, they pace, moving their two left legs and then their
two right legs. Unlike leopards and other big cats, they can purr while they
inhale, but can’t roar.
Leopard |
Leopards have more complex spotting pattern of clusters of black and brown
spots which look like roses, called rosettes. This pattern simulates shifting
plants and shadows, providing camouflage as the leopards stalk their prey from
tall grass and underbrush. Leopards in eastern Africa
have circular rosettes, while their southern African brethren have square
rosettes. Leopards are also noticeably bulkier looking than cheetahs. They’re
not built for speed, but surprise attacks. The extra strength helps leopards
drag their prey up trees, where hide the kill to feed on at their leisure.
Leopards walk using their legs in diagonal pairs (i.e. left front and right
back leg, then right front and left back leg). Like the rest of the big cats,
leopards can roar but can’t purr except while they’re exhaling.
Loved reading your articles Hemant.. look forward for few more this season :)